Saturday, April 9, 2011

greatest night

It's 1AM which is the standard time for me to be awake these past two weeks of the holidays. It's a little concerning as I'll have to re-adapt to waking at 6.30AM again as of Monday which should make for an interesting situation. Most nights I'm staying awake due to boredom and routine but tonight I'm up purely from the leftover adrenaline still running through my body from the concert I attended tonight. I saw City and Colour play at the Tivoli a few hours ago and I'm not even sure if I'll be able to use my developing writing skills to explain how truly incredible the concert was. Dallas Green connects with his audience in a way which leaves each and every person feeling personally in debt to ensure he has a great night and to give him the respect he deserves. The support act was by a band called Hey Rosetta which were really great and reminded me of a mix between Cat Empire, The Wombats and some wicked Orchestra. There were probably 8 people or something in the band who all played multiple instruments (cue Cat Empire reference) with classic instruments such as violins and cellos (cue Orchestra ref) as well as a bunch of different guitars, drums, multiple keyboards and probs other instruments that my lacking music knowledge can't name for you. Overall it creates this upbeat music which is both danceable and relaxed (cue Wombats ref). Anyway then Dallas came on (main dude from City and Colour incase you're stupid) and every girl in the audience put a group curse in their heads on his wife. I never really realised how funny he is! He kept telling stories and anecdotes throughout the show in between songs and whateva and he could easily have been a comedian as a back up job. His humour reminds me of a slightly nicer version of Arj Barker but than again I could just be linking the American accents. All of my favourites songs managed to make the line up other than the 2nd half of The Girl (bit where it goes really fast -> gives me a similar feeling to went Katy Perry gets really into the 2nd chorus of Fireworks) and Save Your Sissors but I guess you can't get EVERYTHING. Other than that minor, minor, basically non-existent disappointment he was truly amazing, his voice is ridiculously beautiful and especially considering he's been on tour singing all de time for months and months. I think my favourite part of the night was either when he pointed out his lighting dude is a huge fan of marijuana and that anyone in the audience, if they were to have pot, should definitely come forth and share some with him later on.. OR when he told the audience "thank you for one of the best nights of my life". That gave me some severe idol-titus shivers up the ol' spine.

After such an eventful night it's always good to reflect and write down how great it is before you already begin to forget little details. It's even better writing with a cup of instant soup as well, might I mention. THANK YOU DALLAS for making my Friday night amazing and for generally being a really cool dude (cos you're obviously reading this right now) and I hope everyone else had an equally great night (but you wouldn't have unless you were at City and Colour with me). Sweet dreams.

P.S- I do have photos but they're yet to be developed so I will share on a later date :)

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