Sunday, April 10, 2011

here comes term 2

The holidays this term are so bipolar as today my holidays officially ended where as for many other schools it was their offical beginning. I go back to school for a week or so then I get another 5 days off for easter! It's really inconvenient to have half the schools on holidays when the other half isn't but oh WELL. This week will basically just be a massive countdown to this weekend anyway as this weekend is our senior formal! It's pretty exciting as unless you have some glamorous job, you really only get 2 chances in your life to dress up in a gown and that is formal and your wedding. Unless you're a formal slut and get invited to heaps of other boys formal's.. this is your only chance for at least another 5 years to really dress up! As a little girl my favourite game was dress ups so it doesn't surprise  me how much I enjoy the whole process of formals. Unluckily for my Mum and anyone else who has been in the room when formal dresses have been discussed in the past month.. I am far to indecisive. I blame being a Libran and generally being a really picky person. After many dress related dramas I am happy to have it all finally sorted out and just in time. I'll be sure to put up some pictures next week, along with the developed city and colour photos. Hope everyone has either a terrible start to term 2 or a fantastic start to your holiday break!


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