Friday, December 2, 2011

back into it maybe?

 Sunrise from our hotel room

Family dinner in the back yard

The girls

It's the first day of summer and when I last posted I vowed to get back into writing on here when the air got warmer and I no longer had time/life related constraints.. Since August I've finished high school assessment forever then went on to graduate. I survived schoolies. Applied for university. Died my hair back blonde again. Read another 20 books. Became obsessed with the game Miscrits and rediscovered Worms. Got over Miscrits and Worms. Made new friends. Watched some old ones drift away. Yet I don't feel sad to be finished high school maybe because I'm a little heartless or most likely due to my never-ending itch to be doing something or changing, meeting new people and having new experiences. Our Kombi is so close to finishing I can literally touch it's smooth, polished exterior but still it needs a few final touches before the road trips may begin. I want to drive down to Byron and enjoy the beach, head inland to the mountains and enjoy star gazing and mountain mist, drive with no destinations and find towns so small you can't breathe before you're out of it again. I decided once all these trips begin I can really get back into photography again because at home I don't feel inspired to take photos around the same streets and scenery. Woodford is in a few weeks now so I'm sure there will be plentiful moments to capture then. I'm not sure if I'll keep writing on here like I used to but I thought I should keep my word and at least try. Time will tell..

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