Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The New Yorker

As Anna is away, and I'm back from my snow holiday, I'm going to have to step up my game! I love the New Yorker, simply because every single page of it is attention-grabbing and interesting, so one doesn't skip multiple pages at a time trying to find something the slightest bit intriguing. Here is a front cover of an issue from February 4th, 1939, and one from 2009. I love how little it's changed.

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- Belle

Monday, September 28, 2009

suspended in animation

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I seem to go through crazes of different photographers, or artists, come to think of it. At the moment, it is the very talented Sam Taylor-Wood. I think the thing that i love so much about these photographs in particular, is that they capture the most graceful positions of the human body, caught in an action which clearly depicts panic. It's probably one of those things which instead of me rambling about my interpretation, i should just let you look at the pictures and read into them what you will.
- Bell

Saturday, September 26, 2009

peaches and swings

I'm off to the countryside with my boyfriend's family! I highly doubt I'll be collecting peaches and being pushed on a swing in the Australian outback but a girl can dream! Regardless of my travel plans, I love these photographs. The last one is a wedding photo which is incredible as most wedding photos turn out looking posed and horrid but this one is so naturally lovely! That's all for a couple of days from me (no reception let alone internet access where I'm going!).

Au revoir!

- Anna


I fell in love with these sketches by Eveline Tarunadjaja. They have that first love, fantasy like appeal to them. The long, cascading hair is so beautiful on the figures. I wish I could sketch like this!

- Anna.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

do you know what's weird?

Fluro crosses on churches. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think most religious people don't begin their faith because they see a giant neon blue cross at the end of the street. It just is freaky and makes me feel like I'm being watched. I wonder what their purpose is? What I love about most churches is they have that aged beauty to them, historical feel. But when they plunk a neon cross at the top it is just so unbalanced!

Dust storms. I don't understand them. How come we don't get a dust storm on any really windy day? I also don't like them. They make the air smell horrible and everything seems vacant.

Seagulls at night. When you think of the ghastly birds you associate summer? icecream? beaches? You don't think of the little bird hopping along in darkness.

- Perplexed Anna

Sunday, September 20, 2009

skill + coordination = art

I adore this artist, and in particular this work. Fine art to me, is the most effective expression of one's self. A single line can tell more than a whole novel, when interpreted the right way, or even the wrong way. It can show anything that one's coordination and artistic skill can put to paper.

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- Belle

last supper

A series of photographs documenting former Death Row prisoners' requests for their last meal before execution. What is the last thing one wants to taste, hear, feel, smell or see, before one dies?

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- James Reynolds

Thursday, September 17, 2009

ha ha

"Laughing is a celebration of the good, and it's also how we deal with the bad. Laughing, like crying, is a good way of eliminating toxins from the body. Since the mind and body are connected, you use an amazing amount of muscles when you laugh."

Gerry Fielka, Venice Beach, California

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- Belle

up up up!

When you lift your head up to the sky it gives you that surreal feeling that clears your head or at the very least distracts you from whats going on inside it. I've always wondered what facial expression must come up when you get that feeling.. so I looked around and found some pictures of it. I suppose unfortunately not all of us would look this beautiful when looking into the sky but I'd like to think we all have that spaced out, in another world expression.

- Anna.

beauty in the unseen

I love this quote by alexander wang, I have to compeltely agree; the trendiest people are always the ones that aren't trying. I thought these photos resembled that unseen cool. A pretty dress you will fall in love with for one night, but your favourite jeans or shorts you will wear repeatedly until they are at their last shreds.

- Anna.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

high fashion

Tilda Swinton is one of the most stunningly stylish, graceful, creative women i've ever seen. This high fashion is so elegant. I love it.

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- Belle


I am so glad the cold, wintry days are coming to an end and even more glad that in just a weeks time I will be sitting on a beach with maybe a starfish in my hair too.

- Content, Anna.

ah, christian

The famous red soles of coveted Christian Louboutin statement heels are here - on the underside of a god-like lace bootie: my life is complete.

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- Belle

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

peter pan collar

I really do have a growing obsession for these type of dresses, the cute little girl collars with a plain pastel colour, the mustardy yellow in the above dress is particuarly cute. Dainty, frilly dresses as well I am quite fond of. Both types are just so beautiful and feminane. I think I'll be wearing majoritly dresses like these in spring, they would go great with the flowerly spring background :)

- Anna.

Monday, September 14, 2009

little bikini

It's that time of the year again, bikini shopping. This year I'm searching for a 1940's inspired bikini that have been popping up everywhere on catwalks and magazines. Preferably a pair like this, in fact I wouldn't mind having the whole outfit she is wearing...

- Anna.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

the car

Just imagining the looks that one would receive driving past in this little number; i want it..

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- Belle


Aren't caves such a beautiful part of nature? When I come across photographs such as this one it brings that yearn to live somewhere remote, where a bike ride away you have this abandoned paradise. I would love to be able to find a cave in the water such as this one. There's something fantasy-like about caves, somewhere where you could imagine a mermaid swimming through.

- Anna.

man ray

'If tears symbolize sorrow, then what are these droplets of happiness rolling down my cheeks?'

I believe crying is a powerful thing. And we learn it at the earliest age. Love, sorrow, exasperation, happiness. The fact that salty water can symbolize key emotions of human nature simply amazes me.

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- Belle


I love photobooths, and photographs. They seem to be an irreplaceable capture of a specific moment, memory or event that can never again be repeated in that same way. I simply adore these photos in particular, for their movement and energy, and the way that they capture that moment.

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- Belle

Friday, September 11, 2009

confined spaces

I've always been quite obsessive over confined living spaces and the area in general. If you could see my room, you would understand. I have barely enough room to walk around in but I like it that way. I've never been much of an open space person, more happy in cozy, comfortable spaces. I believe these images, represent my train of thought better then my attempt at explaining it, so do have a look..

Ah, what I would give to have a cubby house like that.

- Anna.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Why doesn't this brand have any stores in Australia?! Why!? What kind of cruel torture is this!!! They don't even post to Australia!! Wildfox couture, an American vintage inspired label I believe has the most mind blowingly sweet clothing ever. I am so incredibly cut that this brand isn't available in Australia, sigh.

- Upset, Anna.


'With the most primitive means the artist creates something which the most ingenious and efficient technology will never be able to create.'
- Kasimir Malevich

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- Paul Adair, Queensland Centre For Photography

- Belle

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

if only; camilla and marc

Belle and I were just discussing the urgent NEED to have this dress or any other masterpiece by camilla and marc. This ivory dress I esspically want, I think the ruffles and attention to detail is truly amazing. Sigh. If only, if only.

- Anna.

farewell morning frost

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Now that winter is gone; *sob* we farewell lazy, rainy days with hot beverages and prepare our porcelain bodies for the onslaught of UV rays coming up in the next few months. Goodmorning sunshine!

- Bell